Monday, January 13, 2020

                                           Nordic Odinism
                                        By Wayne W Hansen

We are the norse, nordic, and germanic people. Our ancestors were the norsemen, we speak a germanic language, and we are the nordic people who have blond hair and blue eyes. We are the native, indigenous, first nation people from north west Europe. We are the nordic-white race. 

Our norse ancestors taught us that Odin is the name of God and that Frigga is the name of Goddess. Odin descends from the spiritual world to reestablish the principles of religion. Odin is the viking king and Frigga is the viking queen. Odinism is the natural, ancestral, and native religion for nordic germanic people.   

By chanting the names of Odin and Frigga we make spiritual progress. Odin is an avatara, incarnation, from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. New odinism teaches about the Viking King incarnation of Creator. It is much more difficult for us as our scripture books have been lost to us.

Odinism is the natural religion for nordic people as our religion is race and nature based. Odin and Frigga are transcendental, supernatural, and spiritual. Odinism is important in nordic countries as our racial survival depends on separation. Racial religions teach separation of the races. Odinism offers the ultimate goal of life which is to have a spiritual body in the spiritual world with eternity, knowledge, and bliss. 

Odinism gives germanic people spiritual and racial life. Odinism corrects the thinking of nordic people from being racially conquered to having our own countries like the other races have one-race countries. Odin might have appeared in this flat-earth-dome or not. There could be hundreds of flat-earth-domes in the material universes where Odin and Frigga might have appeared. We have racial memory of calling our Creator Odin. We are following the teaching of our ancestors, the norsemen people. The proof that our odinism religion is correct for us is we have love of God. 

The students of odinism learn that we are suffering in the material world because our soul wanted to leave the spiritual world and come here. We realize our mistake and now we take to spiritual life the best we can. We should do devotional service to Odin and Frigga which is volunteer religious work. Making an Odin temple in an all-nordic farm community would be excellent devotional service. Spiritual progress is eternal and material progress is temporary. The soul is eternal and the body is temporary. We should do spiritual work and continue to advance toward the spiritual world.

Practicing odinism will someday qualify us to leave this material universe and enter the Kingdom of Odin. Devotees of Odin want to go to Odin's world in the spiritual sky. This will end reincarnation for us and we will never have to return to the material world.

We are conditioned souls restricted to reincarnation on low material worlds like Earth until we take to spiritual life. We should take advantage of this opportunity to become devotees of Odin and Frigga and advance as much as we can. What we do this life determines the next body we get. By becoming an odinist we help the entire nordic race move up higher toward the spiritual world.

The Supreme Person expanded himself into many Gods to help the souls in the material world. We do not have access to the scripture books about the appearances of Odin and Frigga in the material universe. The Creator is a person increasing spiritual bliss by being many Gods at the same time. Odin is one of these Gods, and Frigga is one of these Goddesses.

We can choose to have a material career and stay down here for another 100 lifetimes, with birth, disease, old age, death, and reincarnation. Or we can choose to have a spiritual career with a good religion and keep advancing from third dimension Earth all the way up to the spiritual dimension.

Many people see how awful this world is and complain against God. But God comes personally to give us spiritual life so we can reform and be released from the material world. Now we are learning about the importance of the incarnations of Odin and Frigga. 

Following anti-white religions destroys our minds, then our race, then our homeland. When people say they are against white supremacy in white countries it means that they want non-white supremacy in white countries. When people say they are against white people who colonized other countries in the past it means that they want other races to colonize white countries now. When people say they are against white racism it means that they want white race mixing which destroys our race for eternity. Because there is a war against white people we need spiritual religions like asatru to protect our race.

Nordic supremacy in nordic countries means that we celebrate nordic people above all else. We want all-nordic homeland countries like the oriental people have almost all-oriental countries. We want slavic supremacy in the slavic countries and latin supremacy in the latin countries. We want oriental supremacy in Japan so they do not race mix and destroy their race and homeland.  

Odin is our allfather and Frigga is our allmother. When Odin and Frigga are pleased with us they can reveal themselves to us. Someday we will see them on the throne of the nordic race. 

Now we have a religious teaching that protects the nordic people and our nordic homeland. Help make our nordic race become spiritually and racially successful. Become pro-spiritual and pro-nordic and free yourself from the brainwashed trance that our race is in.

After many births and deaths we have advanced enough to get a good nordic body this time. Take advantage of the higher birth and do something important. Try to graduate from Earth school. If you get left back you go to the astral-spirit world and wait for many years. Then you incarnate into another baby body. You will lose all the knowledge you have learned and start all over again.

Devotional service is to hear, chant, remember, worship, serve, pray, follow, and make friends with Odin and Frigga. Happiness that comes from devotional service to Odin and Frigga is the greatest because it is eternal. Serving Odin in a great temple of Odin will make us feel spiritually good. Sweeping and mopping the temple floor is direct devotional service.

We should live and work with fellow devotees of Odin. This is where the excitement is, where the fun is, and where the movement is. We want the association of nordic devotees. Great devotees of Odin are so loyal that they do not want to do any activity outside of devotional service. This is when rapid spiritual progress can be made. This is when the greatest performing art can be made.  

If we do not do anything spiritual today we do not make any spiritual progress today. If we do not make enough spiritual progress this lifetime we get left back. Like in high school getting left back means doing the school grade all over again. Odinism can save us from rebirth down here.

The viking ship is in our heart and soul and helps to unite our people. We can have viking ship rides in a lake near our farm community. We can put the Deities of Odin and Frigga in a viking ship, sing spiritual songs, and play drums as we sail. This would be spiritual fun and devotional service. 

There are good nordic groups in Scandinavia like Generation Identity and Soldiers of Odin. But there is danger at every step in the material world. What group is teaching the nordic people how to solve the biggest problems that we have: birth, disease, old age, death, and reincarnation again. Modern odinism helps the souls of nordic people to advance to the higher world after we leave this body. 

Norse odinism is designed for our specific race to create devotional service. Today's odinism teaches the spiritual and racial path to earn our way to the spiritual world. We prepare for death every day. At the time of death we have a difficult test to pass. If we pass we get a higher birth, and if we fail we get to be a baby on Earth again.    

We are nordic because our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents were nordic. We are nordic because our foreparents practiced racial separation one-thousand years ago, and twenty-thousand years ago. What race and homeland will you leave for your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren? Our law of God is to continue our race and our homeland, not another race and their homeland. 

Religion, media, and government, ignore our racial God and our nordic race. Many nordic people have become godless and raceless. Germanic odinism brings back love of God and love of race, brings back pride in God and pride in race. One of the ways to resist evil is with strong spiritual life. 

The christian churches are supporting the non-white immigrant invasion of nordic countries which destroys our homeland. They know racial foreigners do not belong here but they are too afraid to tell the truth. They know what will happen to their children and grandchildren in the future. They think helping the welfare invaders is moral charity but they are cowards and traitors to their own people.    

When the statues of Odin and Frigga are installed on the altar the statues are called Deities. Odin has an energy that can be present inside the Odin Deity if he wants to. And Frigga has this spirit that can reside inside the Frigga Deity if she wants to. 

Devotional Service to Odin and Frigga is valuable. Our soul is eternal. Religion advances our soul. Our soul tells the body what to do. Our soul is spiritually connected to Creator.     

     "The Viking King and Queen" 

     Odin the Norse God
     Frigga the Norse Goddess
     Odin and Frigga
     The Viking King and Queen 

     "Engage Our Five Senses"

     Sight: See the Deities of Odin and Frigga.
     Hearing: Hear the words and music of odinism.
     Smell: Smell the incense and flowers offered to the Deities of Odin and Frigga.
     Taste: Eat food first offered to Odin and Frigga.
     Touch: Use your hands and work for the temple.

     "Odin Frigga Marching Chant"

     Odin Frigga left right left
     Odin Frigga left right left
     Left, left, left right left
     Odin Frigga left right left

     "The New Nordic Group"

     Learning from Generation Identity
     Drumming for Odin
     Learning from Soldiers of Odin
     Defending for Odin
     Learning from Hare Krishna
     Singing for Odin
     With love of God
     For a nordic homeland
     The new nordic group

     "Devotional Service"

     Hundreds of lives
     We did nothing
     We reincarnated again and again
     Now we have a good nordic body
     Now we have internet
     Now we have new odinism
     Now we can work for Odin and Frigga
     This is the highest achievement
     This is the highest reward
     Devotional service

     "Making Odinism History"

     Several nordics in a street troupe
     Playing drums with nordic rhythm
     Singing songs about new odinism
     Proud of our nordic race
     Proud of our nordic religion
     Making odinism history

     "Frigga, We Call Out To You"

     Our nordic race is in great danger
     We have reached the point of no return
     But you give us hope
     Your golden throne is so beautiful to see
     You sit on the throne of the nordic race
     Your heavenly light feels so good to receive
     You lighten up the world
     The nordic drumming is finally coming back to us
     The odinist music is finally coming back to us
     Frigga, we call out to you

     "I Am Your Mother"

     Frigga, queen of beauty
     Sitting on the throne of beauty
     The queen of heaven
     The queen of the vikings
     We meditate up to you
     We feel your presence.
     Will our nordic society collapse?
     Will we prepare for the collapse?
     All the work we did to make a materialist society
     Did we forget the purpose of life?
     You watch the nordics on Earth
     The time of great change has come
     From the material to the spiritual.
     "I am Frigga, why did you forget me?
     Why did you forget my husband?
     We are here to help our nordic race
     We can deliver you to safety
     Please meditate up to me, to my throne room
     I would like to see you
     I am here to help you
     I am your Mother"

     "Frigga Gives Us the Crown"

     Odin and Frigga watch the nordics
     From the higher world
     Odin gives us strength
     Frigga gives us beauty
     Odin gives us the sword
     Frigga gives us the crown

     "Her Name is Frigga"

     The new odinist
     Feels the power of love
     Feels the presence
     Of the Goddess of Love
     Receives the wisdom
     From the queen of the nordics.
     The divine brightness of light
     A divine gift to earthly life
     An experience of a lifetime
     The Goddess energy comes down to Earth.
     Feel the beauty and wonder
     Full of life and full of love
     Her name is Frigga

     "Devotional Service"
     Odinism is the bridge
     From Earth to Heaven
     Where Odin and Frigga sing and dance
     A nordic celebration everyday
     The land where everyone is nordic
     With new improved bodies
     A land without racial strangers
     But there is a cost to get there
     There is no free ride
     Let's see some devotional service

     "King of the Viking Kings"

     It is our time to make history
     Feel the power of Odin on our side
     We are the vanguard of the pro-nordic movement
     To experience victory for our folk
     We show loyalty to the nordic race
     We separate our germanic race
     We should follow Odin's plan for us
     Our spiritual and racial God
     King of the viking kings

     "We Are the People From Odin and Frigga"

     Defend the land that you inherited
     Stop the genocide of our folk
     Have passion for nordic honor
     Listen to what your soul is saying to you
     We were born with divine qualities
     We are the eternal soul
     We have great value to Odin and Frigga
     We are spiritual like them
     We are the people from Odin and Frigga

     "To Live With Odin and Frigga"

     Good breeding is the first law
     The most natural law of creation
     To improve the breed of our nordic race
     To preserve the purity of our race
     To continue our nordic heritage
     Never sin against your race
     Work everyday to improve your race.
     Work everyday to improve your soul
     A healthy body is needed to house our small soul
     A good body is valuable for the soul to progress.
     We need physical body discipline
     We need spiritual soul discipline
     To bring our entire nordic race
     Up to the eternal spiritual world
     To live with Odin and Frigga

     "The Royal Viking Ship"

     To secure our nordic territory
     Our place on Earth
     We look to the Royal Viking Ship
     Where Odin and Frigga sit
     See and feel the spiritual light and energy
     Coming from the divine couple
     The first couple of the nordics
     Coming from the throne in the back
     The wooden ship with the large gold sail
     The wooden ship where scriptures come from
     The viking ship books of Odin
     The cross-country skiing books of Frigga
     Feel the spiritual joy
     Of seeing Odin and Frigga

     "I Dub Thee Viking of Odin"

     Nordic people practice courtesy and politeness
     Before the wooden thrones of Odin and Frigga
     In the temple of the wooden viking ship
     Where our God and Goddess sit.
     We practice viking chivalry
     Our religious and moral code of honor.
     We approach the throne and bow or curtsy
     "My Lord Odin, my Lady Frigga
     Just being in your presence our sins are removed."
     We kneel on the kneeling step
     Odin taps his battle axe on our shoulder
     We say, "I will defend the nordic race."
     Frigga taps her crown on our shoulder
     We say, "I will be loyal to the nordic race."
     Frigga says, "I dub thee Viking of Odin."

     "Give Your Honor to No One"

     Nordic man
     Give your soul to Odin
     Your heart to your wife
     Your body to nordic homeland
     And your honor to no one.
     Odinism is the religion of the vikings
     They listened to the music of the waters
     They watched the dance of the waves
     Nature taught them about Odin
     They heard the voice of Odin
     "Give your nordic homeland to no one else"
     They heard the voice of Frigga
     "Give your honor to no one" 

     "This is the Highest Achievement"

     Allmother Frigga
     Devotional service to you 
     Is the highest achievement 
     Love of God and Love of Goddess
     Is the highest achievement
     Seeing you on your throne
     Is the highest achievement
     Receiving your spiritual light
     Is the highest achievement.
     Please send your light
     To the good nordic people. 
     When will they make music for you on the street?
     When will they chant Odin and Frigga on the street?
     This is the highest achievement

     "We Want Your Divine Intervention"

     Odin and Frigga
     We are your devotees
     We want to live
     And not be burned
     By directed energy weapons
     We want to make Odin temples
     We want to make odinist music and dance
     We want our nordic children
     To be free from vaxx and the mask
     We want to do devotional service to you
     We want to make spiritual progress
     We want your divine intervention 

     "Spiritual and Racial Wisdom"

     Become a soul of history
     Teach spiritual wisdom
     Become a nordic person of history
     Teach nordic racial wisdom 

     "God and Race"

     Your name of God is different from ours
     Our name of God is Odin
     Your language is different from ours
     We speak a germanic language
     Your human race is different from ours
     Our human race is nordic-white 
     "Childrens Odinist Song"

     Odin is the nordic God
     Frigga is the nordic Goddess
     That's what I believe, that's what I believe
     Odin is the God of truth
     Frigga is the Goddess of love
     That's what I believe, that's what I believe 
     Odin is the viking king
     Frigga is the viking queen
     That's what I believe, that's what I believe 
     "We Seek The Truth"

     Odin and Frigga sailing in your royal viking ship
     The viking king, the viking queen
     With the wind at your back leading us to Valhalla
     Odin the Norse God, Frigga the Norse Goddess
     We seek your wisdom, we seek the truth

     "I Am Frigga, the Goddess of Truth"

     You honor your family
     When you speak the truth
     You honor the nordic race
     When you speak the truth
     You honor me 
     When you speak the truth
     I am Frigga, the Goddess of Truth